Download e-book for iPad: Native-Speakerism in Japan: Intergroup Dynamics in Foreign by Stephanie Ann Houghton,Assoc. Prof. Damian J. Rivers

By Stephanie Ann Houghton,Assoc. Prof. Damian J. Rivers

The relative prestige of local and non-native speaker language lecturers inside academic associations has lengthy been a subject matter world wide yet till lately, the voices of academics articulating their very own issues were infrequent. current paintings has tended to concentration upon the location of non-native academics and their fight opposed to unfavorable comparisons with their native-speaker opposite numbers. notwithstanding, extra lately, native-speaker language academics have additionally been put within the educational highlight as curiosity grows in language-based varieties of prejudice comparable to ‘native-speakerism’ – a dominant ideology established in the eastern context of English language schooling. This cutting edge quantity explores wide-ranging concerns regarding native-speakerism because it manifests itself within the jap and Italian academic contexts to teach how native-speaker academics is additionally the goals of multifarious kinds of prejudice and discrimination within the workplace.

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Native-Speakerism in Japan: Intergroup Dynamics in Foreign Language Education (Multilingual Matters) by Stephanie Ann Houghton,Assoc. Prof. Damian J. Rivers

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